Add your name: Let’s create more climate-resilient communities

Woman tending field in guatemala
In Guatemala, 39-year-old Victoria harvests potatoes from her field. With our Mercy Corps program, she is able to sell directly to Walmart to provide for her family and increase her income.

Currently, there are 3.3 billion people who are at risk and vulnerable to climate change.

They're facing extreme floods, prolonged droughts, scorching wildfires, and catastrophic floods. It is often people who have contributed the least to warming the globe who suffer the brunt of climate change.

Mercy Corps partners with communities in 40+ countries to help create innovative agricultural solutions, increase access to clean water, and make strides in the face of natural disasters.

Add your name to our pledge: Together, we can create more climate-resilient communities that can cope, adapt, and thrive against climate change.