Show solidarity with people facing hunger

Shamsa Husain Mohammed collects water at a displacement camp where Mercy Corps is distributing food, water, and hygiene kits.

According to the UN, 828 million people worldwide suffered from hunger in 2021 – a 46 million increase from just a year earlier. The war in Ukraine, COVID-19, and climate change have disrupted global food systems, accelerating the devastating cycle of poverty, hunger, and conflict.

People around the world are determined to provide for their families, but they are running out of options. Take action and show solidarity with those who are facing hunger, food insecurity, and malnutrition by adding your name right now.

In 40+ countries around the world, Mercy Corps teams are working side-by-side with communities to build sustainable solutions to complex issues like hunger. Together, we can work to ensure that every family has access to the opportunities and the nutrition they need to thrive.