
Man in guatemala kneeling in a field looking at the camera

In the countries where Mercy Corps works, agriculture is the primary means of food security for 57 percent of the population. 

People in these countries face incredible obstacles: soaring prices for food, seeds and other supplies, outdated technology, unfavorable or limited access to markets and financial services, and poor soil and water management. 

But with targeted investments and technical support, smallholder farmers hold the potential not only to improve their lives but also to contribute to a more productive, resilient and inclusive food and agriculture system.

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    smallholder farmers reached with digital services
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    farmers we connect each year to resources they need
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    families in the DRC we've helped to access seeds
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    corn farmers in Indonesia connected to financial services

That’s why we help farmers increase productivity, secure access to land, and prepare for environmental shocks and stresses. We also strengthen agricultural markets — thus improving farmers’ access to products, services, and marketplaces — by collaborating with traders, input suppliers, processors, and government bodies. Our holistic approach includes motiving and equipping young people to shape the future of agriculture in their respective countries.

Every year, we connect nearly 1 million farmers to the resources they need to increase production, feed families and boost incomes.

For more technical details on our agriculture programs, please download the documents below:

Guatemalan farmer stands smiling in field.

Our Regenerative Agriculture approach

Improving farmers’ resilience to environmental and climatic challenges is central to their survival. Through our Resilience Design approach, we support farmers and communities to create healthier agro-ecosystems that support increased crop productivity, improve households’ access to diverse nutritious food, and open new opportunities for income generation.

Two women consulting a tablet device and smiling.

Our AgriFin program

Through AgriFin, we leverage the power of digital technology, data, and a global network of partners to build a brighter future for smallholder farmers and the people they feed. We design, test, and scale digitally-enabled products and services to boost their productivity and income, as well as build their resilience to climate change.