Mercy Corps design system

This page contains the most common components used across our website. Its purpose is to help our colleagues and creative partners understand the options our design system has to offer. Additional components specific to Basic Pages can be found on the Basic Page Design System page. This page will be updated as new components are created.

Table of contents

Text layout options 

Quick stats

Image options

Enlarged quotes


CTA units 

Preview tiles

Button boxes


Logo grid

Horizontal rule

Person three column

Text layout options

Formatted text resizable

This is the most common text format across the site. You’ll find it in our blog articles, research articles, and many other pages.

Centered text

Centered text is less common. It’s used as a set up to other content on several landing pages. You can find examples of centered text on our partners page and careers page.

Left-aligned text

Left-aligned text is also less common. It’s used at the top of some pages to introduce the content on the page. You can find examples on the team page and petitions page.

Quick stats (must include 3-4 stats)

  • 101

    description of the number goes here
  • 33k

    description of the number goes here
  • 2%

    description of the number goes here
  • 50+

    description of the number goes here

Image options


Hero image

The hero image is featured at the top of the page, directly under the page title. You will find them on many pages across the site, including all of our blog articles, country pages, and focus area pages.

A woman holding her son in front of a yellow mural

In addition to the hero image, we have a wide variety of image layout options to choose from on a page:

Small image with optional caption. Captions should be no more than 170 characters including spaces.
Medium image with optional caption. Captions should be no more than 170 characters including spaces.
Large image with optional caption. Captions should be no more than 170 characters including spaces.
X-large image with optional caption. Captions should be no more than 170 characters including spaces.
Guatemalan young woman holding corn she's harvested
Image caption left in landscape orientation; captions should be no more than 170 characters including spaces.
Guatemalan young woman holding corn she's harvested
Image caption left in portrait orientation; captions should be no more than 170 characters including spaces.
Guatemalan young woman holding corn she's harvested
Image caption right in landscape orientation; captions should be no more than 170 characters including spaces.
Guatemalan young woman holding corn she's harvested
Image caption right in portrait orientation; captions should be no more than 170 characters including spaces.
Hand holding lentils.
Diptych with large image on the left, including optional caption. Captions should be no more than 170 characters including spaces.
Kenyan farmer showing harvest.
Hand holding lentils.
Kenyan farmer showing harvest.
Diptych with large image on the right, including optional caption. Captions should be no more than 170 characters including spaces.
This is a slideshow. Each image can have its own caption.
This is a slideshow. Each image can have its own caption.
This is a slideshow. Each image can have its own caption.
This is a slideshow. Each image can have its own caption.


Enlarged quotes

Enlarged quotes are used to highlight a compelling quote from a voice in an article. They feature the name and title or location of the person, along with an optional photo of the person being quoted. Quotes should be no more than 84 characters, including spaces.

This is a compelling quote, including an image, from someone featured in an article.

Person's name, Their title or location
A Mercy Corps staff member crouches to speak to a group of people sitting down.

This is a compelling quote, without an image, from someone featured in an article.

Person's name, Their title or location


Embedded videos require a Youtube link and look like this when embedded in a page.

Inline video

Inline video allows you to add a short looping video to a page. The video can begin playing automatically and will repeat when it ends. Mobile users will see an image which can be clicked to make the video start playing. The video window can be presented in small, large, or extra large. There is also an option for a caption. Videos do not automatically play unless the audio track is removed from the submitted video file.

This is a small inline video.
This is a large inline video.
This is an extra large inline video.

CTA (call-to-action) units

This is a CTA unit in blue.
This is a CTA unit in sand.
This is a CTA unit in blue.
This is a CTA unit in sand.
This is a CTA unit in blue with an image.
Jordanian man working outside.
This is a CTA unit in sand with an image.
Jordanian man working outside.
This is called a two-up CTA
This is called a two-up CTA
This is called a two-up CTA
This is called a two-up CTA
Jordanian man working outside.
This is a hero CTA unit in blue.

Teaser copy that previews the content for the audience. Copy should be no more than 200 characters including spaces.

Jordanian man working outside.
This is a hero CTA unit in sand.

Teaser copy that previews the content for the audience. Copy should be no more than 200 characters including spaces.

This is a hero CTA unit with looping video

We have the option to include looping video in order to give people a compelling peek into the content we're promoting.

Preview tiles

Preview tiles are used to provide previews into other pages. They can be in a set of 2 to 3, and can be stacked. You can find examples of preview tiles on our Policy and advocacy page.

Button boxes

Similar to Preview tiles,  Button boxes are used to provide previews into other pages. They must be in a set of three. You can find examples of button boxes on our partners page and careers page.

Headline 1

Short snippet of text that describes what’s on the page we’re promoting. Copy should be no more than 124 characters including spaces.

Headline 2

Short snippet of text that describes what’s on the page we’re promoting. Copy should be no more than 124 characters including spaces.

Headline 3

Short snippet of text that describes what’s on the page we’re promoting. Copy should be no more than 124 characters including spaces.


An adult manipulates a fishing net while standing on a boat in a river in Nigeria.

A great headline goes here

Summary copy that makes a brief statement, mentioning the main points of the proceeding content. Copy should be no more than 200 characters including spaces.

Logo grid

Logo grid allows you to build out a chart of icons that act as buttons to the URL of your choice. Best practice is to link the icon to the URL of the group or organization represented. This component is only available when building landing pages but not when building articles, resource pages, or research articles.

You can find examples of logo grid on our partners page and social ventures page.

Horizontal rule

A horizontal rule is a gray line that goes across the page and separates content. You can see usage of horizontal rules on our homepage and many other pages, including this one!

Person three column

This component enables us to feature people on pages. They must be in groups of three, and feature the names of the individuals. A secondary line is optional, and usually features the person’s title.