Adaptive Management Tools: Concept Notes System

In “Adaptive Management: Responding to the evolving needs of PRIME’s complex systems” and “Adaptive Management Tools: Concept Notes System,” Mercy Corps finds adaptive management is supported by four different but interconnected elements: Culture, People & Skills, Tools & Systems, and Enabling Environment.
These elements are discussed in the context of one of Mercy Corps’ complex programs, the Pastoralist Areas Resilience Improvement through Market Expansion (PRIME) project in pastoral Ethiopia, ”a 62-million dollar project, covering five technical components, managing an innovation fund, addressing gender and disability, operating in three regions of Ethiopia through ten partner organizations that co-locate in seven field offices.” Highlighting the project’s challenges and subsequent lessons learned is a major focus of these two papers with which Mercy Corps aims to contribute to the discussion around this dynamic topic.
Download the full report: Adaptive Management: Responding to the evolving needs of PRIME's complex systems ▸
Download the full report: Adaptive Management Tool: Concept Notes System ▸