Employment Rewired: Youth Impact Labs Learning Event

Please scroll down to the bottom of the page to register for this free event!
Mercy Corps invites you to join Youth Impact Labs’ culminating learning event! Youth Impact Labs (YIL) is a three-year global youth employment and innovation initiative, supported by Google.org, that identifies and stimulates creative, technology-oriented solutions to youth unemployment. This 2-day event will take place over the course of 5 virtual sessions, sharing program learnings, helping elevate opportunities for job creation and economic growth through innovation, particularly in the face of COVID-19.
Register below (free!), mark your calendar, then visit this same page on September 22 and 23 at 2:00 pm BST / 4:00 pm EAT/EEST to view the live stream and participate in the discussion!
Schedule (all timing in EAT/EEST):
September 22
Session 1: 4:00 - 5:00: Introduction, high level overview of YIL and learnings, moderated by BEAM Exchange
The BEAM Exchange is a specialist platform for knowledge exchange and learning about using market systems approaches to reduce poverty.
This keynote presentation will provide a high-level programme overview and showcase the successes and challenges learned through this innovative model.
Session 2: 5:30 - 6:30: Role of Technology in Accelerating Job Creation
In this session, we will share how technology has played a critical role in accelerating job creation and where it has provided challenges.
Session 3: 7:00 - 8:00: Does Digital Technology Help Create More Inclusive Opportunities?
This session will focus on the ways in which technology is helping address constraints and barriers for women, youth, people with disabilities, and others who face discrimination in the gig economy.
September 23
Session 4: 4:00 - 5:00: Building Resilience for the Digital Gig Economy Worker
This session uses COVID-19 as a case study to show critical components of building resilience for workers in the gig economy.
Session 5: 5:30 - 6:30: What’s Next? The Future of Youth Employment
This final session will showcase Mercy Corps’ vision for the next phase of youth employment, and provide insights and tangible next steps from the donor community on how we can work together to continue to drive impact in this space.