Stabilization & Resilience in Protracted, Politically-Induced Emergencies: A Case Study

In the report, "Stabilization and Resilience in Protracted Politically-Induced Emergencies", Mercy Corps and UN Development Programme (UNDP) explore how to build a resilience approach into humanitarian and development programming in the context of Lebanon, a country deeply impacted by the Syria crisis. This paper examines what resilience means in Lebanon, and which programmatic recommendations outlined in the "2015 Lebanon Crisis Response Plan (LCRP)" can support stabilization and begin to lay the foundations for resilience, even in the midst of the crisis. We offer a series of interrelated recommendations focused on sub-national interventions that can build community-level coping and adaptive capacity, but also enable local actors to strengthen community cohesion and transformative capacity for the long term by prioritizing and practicing inclusive decision-making mechanisms for addressing grievances, and fair access and transparent control of shared resources.