Mercy Corps Applauds Introduction of Resolution Condemning the Use of Hunger as a Weapon

February 09, 2022

Bipartisan legislative measure lays the groundwork for concerted U.S. leadership to halt the use of hunger as a weapon

WASHINGTON - The global organization Mercy Corps applauds U.S. Representatives Sara Jacobs (D-CA), Peter Meijer (R-MI), Bobby Rush (D-IL), and Tracey Mann (R-KS) for introducing the House Resolution “Condemning the use of hunger as a weapon of war and recognizing the effect of conflict on global food security and famine.” This bipartisan legislative measure mirrors the 2018 United Nations Security Council Resolution 2417 and condemns the use of starvation of civilians, destruction of agriculture, denial of humanitarian access and disruptions of market systems.

Dina Esposito, Vice President of Technical Leadership, Policy and Advocacy, says: 

“We see during nearly every conflict that people struggle to eat as conflict drives up food prices, disrupts supply chains, and devastates livelihoods. Meanwhile, armed actors intentionally target agricultural hubs, farmlands, and markets to use starvation as a weapon of war. This resolution lays the groundwork for concerted U.S. leadership to halt the use of hunger as a weapon through actions that include reauthorizing the Global Food Security Act and the Farm Bill with funding for emergency and development programs in conflict-affected countries.”

Violent conflict is a key cause of rising hunger and humanitarian need globally. In 2020, 155 million people experienced crisis levels of food insecurity, with nearly 100 million living in conflict settings. The global hunger crisis worsened in the last two years as protracted conflict, the economic fallout from COVID-19, and the climate crisis exacerbated pre-existing fragilities.