Mercy Corps Statement on United Nations Security Council Failure to Renew Syria Cross-Border Resolution

July 08, 2022

The United Nations Security Council failed to renew the Syria cross-border resolution, which ensures food, shelter, water, protection, critical medical services and other lifesaving support continue to reach millions in need in Northwest Syria.

Tjada D’Oyen McKenna, Chief Executive Officer of Mercy Corps, says:

“Today the United Nations Security Council failed the people of Northwest Syria. The UNSC’s failure to reauthorize the cross-border resolution leaves millions of people in limbo, not knowing how they will receive lifesaving aid as food prices increase, conflict continues and economic stagnation grinds on. We call on UNSC members to urgently reconvene to come to an agreement without further delay to reauthorize UN cross-border operations for a minimum of 12 months before the July 10th deadline.

“We are witnessing one of the most dire periods throughout the eleven-year conflict for the people of Northwest Syria. The ongoing hostilities, worsening drought, economic crisis, and the war in Ukraine’s impact on food and fuel prices are making it incredibly challenging for Syrians to meet their basic needs.” 

“In today’s vote we saw politics trump critical aid for vulnerable Syrians. The ability to deliver aid through this route has been critical to ensuring that 4 million people in Northwest Syria are still able to put food on their tables and provide for their families. The future of those millions is now even more uncertain.”

“As a result, we are sure to see a worsening humanitarian situation and deteriorating food insecurity for millions.

Throughout Northwest Syria, Mercy Corps supports water, sanitation, hygiene and shelter needs in displacement camps, provides cash assistance and livelihood support, and works to improve food security. Humanitarian needs in Syria increased over the last year, with 14.6 million people in need of assistance in 2022. A recent Mercy Corps report highlights how the war in Ukraine has further compounded the crisis in Northwest Syria. The price of essential food items in Northwest Syria increased up to 22% and 67% (varies by region) since the start of the war in Ukraine, and food needs have increased 8.3% for every $1 increase in flour prices and 6.2% for every $1 increase in wheat prices.