IPCC Report Rings Alarm on Urgent Need for Climate Adaptation

February 28, 2022

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) today released its sixth report analyzing the world’s ability to adapt to global warming.

Selena Victor, Senior Director, Policy & Advocacy at Mercy Corps, said: 

“The latest IPCC report paints a bleak and devastating picture about the now irreversible and inevitable effects of climate change.” 

“Inaction is costing lives and wreaking havoc on our global ecosystems. And it is those who are least responsible who are most affected who are bearing the brunt of the climate crisis. These communities are already living in some of the most fragile and vulnerable countries - often beset with conflict and displacement as well as climate threats.”

“Governments and institutional donors have already failed to live up to their commitments both to prevent the worsening climate crisis, and to help the most vulnerable communities to adapt and cope. Not only is there a massive gap in funding available, it is not going to where it is needed most.”

“Recent research by Mercy Corps found that less than half international funding for adaptation was going to the most climate vulnerable countries. The figure was less than 1% for those that were both climate vulnerable and fragile or conflict affected.  Donors must urgently face up to their responsibility and scale up funding which puts climate adaptation front and center. Without urgent action we will continue to see communities left behind, lives and livelihoods destroyed and lives lost.” 

Mercy Corps works with the people and communities who are on the frontlines of the climate crisis, and those at the forefront of climate innovation, to adapt and find a sustainable way forward together.