House-Passed Budget Threatens Global Humanitarian and Development Aid with Billions in Cuts

June 28, 2024

Mercy Corps Vice-President of Global Policy and Advocacy, Kate Phillips-Barrasso, Responds to the House-passed FY25 International Affairs Budget:

“At a time when nearly 310 million people globally are in need of humanitarian assistance, the House-passed budget would slash critical funding to respond to crises with humanitarian action by billions of dollars. The bill also cuts vital resources for development work – which already saw a 10% funding reduction last fiscal year – by a further 17%. These programs are a critical tool in reducing the long-term need for humanitarian aid and supporting resilience in global communities. By investing in strengthening governance structures, food systems, economic growth, and social stability for vulnerable populations, these U.S.-funded programs support sustainable development in fragile contexts.

“While we understand the subcommittee was hampered by vastly reduced topline numbers, extreme funding cuts of this nature are ultimately short-sighted, risking global backsliding on poverty reduction and hindering global stability. In order for the U.S. to maintain its leadership and support lasting change through its foreign assistance, Congress must pass a budget that includes funding for humanitarian and development accounts at no less than FY2023 levels for the upcoming fiscal year.”