Delta Rapid Market Assessment Report

Funded by LIFT, Mercy Corps and Welthungerhilfe, in collaboration with Village Link, conducted a joint Rapid Market Assessment (RMA) in the Ayeyarwady Delta from late April to early May 2020. The objective of the RMA was to better understand the current and potential impacts of COVID-19 on rural smallholder farmers and the broader food system, with a specific focus on the rice and pulses value chains.
661 respondents were interviewed in total across 26 townships in the Delta. The survey targeted key actors involved in the agricultural value chain, from smallholders and the landless to seed producers, input suppliers, rice millers, other market actors and government officials. 428 respondents were surveyed through Village Link’s ‘Htwet Toe’ online application, with the remainder interviewed either via phone or online surveys following physical distancing guidelines, and circumventing logistical challenges due to travel restrictions.
This report presents findings and proposed recommendations resulting from the assessment, to further inform the design and implementation of potential COVID-19 response and recovery programs in the Ayeyarwady Delta and more broadly, Myanmar.