Strategic Resilience Assessment in South Kivu
Mercy Corps leads a consortium composed of partners World Vision, HarvestPlus and two local organizations, Université Evangélique en Afrique (UEA) and Action pour la Paix et la Concorde (APC), to address food and nutrition insecurity in South Kivu, DRC, through a 5-year Food-for-Peace funded program, the Food Security Project (FSP). During the first year, the consortium carried out a Strategic Resilience Assessment (STRESS), which showed how the complex interplay of repeated conflict, economic and ecological shocks and stresses in South Kivu has weakened not only food security systems, but also the capacity of households, especially women and youth, to build the necessary human, financial and social capital to address food and nutrition security adequately. Through STRESS, the consortium identified a number of critical resilience capacities in order to refine their theory of change program implementation strategy.