Mercy Corps’ role in supporting learning programs
What are learning programs?
Learning programs focus on enhancing evidence generation, rapid learning, knowledge sharing, and capacity strengthening to increase the impact of investments in resilience and food security programming. These programs are managed by a consortium of implementing partners and researchers.
What do these programs do?
- Generate and translate evidence-based research into more effective implementation and policy making
- Facilitate knowledge-sharing through events with implementers, donors, and researchers
- Create connections through learning networks and communities of practice
- Identify, develop or adapt tools, guides, and technical materials to support programming
- Develop and deliver adult-centered capacity strengthening packages and mentorship programs
- Share tools and research on industry platforms: Food Security and Nutrition (FSN) Network, Resiliencelinks, (Sahel Collaboration and Communications (SCC) site), Resilience Knowledge Hub (RKH), Resilience Learning Activity (RLA)
Mercy Corps’ role
Mercy Corps has extensive experience capturing promising practices, innovations and technologies across our portfolio of investments in 40 countries and bringing this knowledge and experience base to bear on the global conversation on resilience, food security, agriculture, market systems.
Using this unique implementer focused perspective and technical expertise, we actively translate knowledge and experience into practical technical guidance that is tested and refined internally into new methodologies, tools, and strategies relevant to donors, implementing agencies and other stakeholders working in emergency and development settings.
Current learning programs
Implementer-led Design, Evidence, Analysis & Learning (IDEAL)
IDEAL addresses knowledge and capacity gaps expressed by the USAID Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (USAID/BHA) food and nutrition security community to support design and implementation of effective development and emergency food security activities.
Strengthening Capacity in Agriculture, Livelihoods and Environment (SCALE)
SCALE enhances the impact, sustainability and scalability of USAID BHA-funded agriculture, natural resource management and alternative livelihoods activities in emergency and development contexts.
Resilience, Evaluation, Analysis and Learning (REAL)
REAL informs and improves resilience policy and programming through strategic analysis, capacity strengthening and knowledge sharing for the USAID and extended resilience community.
Sahel Collaboration and Communications (SCC)
SCC promotes collaboration, learning and adapting (CLA) for collective impact among USAID implementing partners, select national government institutions across the Sahel.
Somalia Resilience Learning Activity (RLA)
RLA brings together USAID partners, community institutions, local authorities, government and aid agencies in Somalia who are working towards common objectives and approaches for building resilience in a complex crisis.
Resilience Knowledge Hub (RKH)
RKH supports civil society and government partners to surface evidence and generate knowledge, strengthen capacity, support evidence-based policy making and build a repository of actionable learning on what matters and works for building resilience in Zimbabwe.
Gender and Youth Activity (GAYA)
GAYA works to improve the quality and impact of food security activities by addressing the barriers and challenges implementing partners face when integrating gender and youth within their work.
Related research and resources
IDEAL, REAL, SCALE, RLA and SCC are made possible by the generous support and contribution of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents of this page do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the U.S. Government.