Thank you for being part of our team

As 2021 draws to a close, let’s take a moment to reflect on the last year and what we were able to accomplish together. Thanks in part to your generous support, Mercy Corps’ team of 5,400+ humanitarians has worked alongside communities to respond in the aftermath of natural disasters, help farmers adapt to the devastating effects of climate change, build peace among neighbors, keep families safe and healthy during the pandemic, and so much more.

We couldn’t be here for communities around the world without our community of supporters. This year, we reached more than 50 million people in over 40 countries, supporting them as they create safer and more secure lives for themselves and their families.

From all of us at Mercy Corps and the women, men, and children whose lives you positively impact every day, thank you for being part of our team. Your actions and generosity help build a better world.